Lesson 10: Unordered Lists

There are three different types of HTML lists: unordered lists, ordered lists, and definition lists.

An unordered list has bullets to mark the start of each list item. Bullets are therefore called item markers. You can specify the type of bullet using the CSS list-style-type property. There are four possible choices: none, disc, circle, and square. An ordered list has numbers to mark the start of each item. The numbers can be in many forms, such as decimal, roman, greek letters, latin letters, and so on. Definition lists are not very common and we will skip them.

This page shows how to create unordered lists.

Unordered List with Disc Bullets

These are actual quotes taken from school kids.

Unordered List with Circle Bullets

More quotes taken from school kids:

Unordered List with Square Bullets

And more ...