A Compilation of On-line Open-Source-Related Resources

This is a collection of links to on-line resources related to open source. It is organized by topic to the extent that this is possible, as sometimes a website may be placed into multiple categories. This is by no means a thorough list; it is intended to include those that are either important or provide many services and resources for those interested in all things open source.

Open Source Supporting Institutions and Organizations

These websites are the landing pages of important organizations that have been supporting the Open Source movement, or that provide useful resources such as tutorials, guides, links to other resources, and so on.

Websites Providing Definitions, Commentary, and General Information About Open Source

This is a collection of links to websites that explain basic concepts, answer the most important questions, debunk myths, and give context to the Open Source Movement.

History of Open Source and the Free Software Movement

These links are to articles about the history of open source and/or free software movement.

The Business of Open Source

How is money made in the world of open source? Many people think that open source, as an idea, is antithetical to the idea of making money. These articles are about commerce and open source.

Open Source Stories

These are selected websites that contain stories about open source projects, not necessarily software.

Intellectual Property Rights and License

These are selected articles and talks about intellectual property rights and licenses.

Contributing to Open Source Projects

These are links to websites with advice about how to contribute to software projects.

These are links to tutorials, technical information, and resources related to practical things like version control systems, markdown, and so on.

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